Awesome Edie Fake Banner

Close observers will have noticed that we’ve got a new banner up on top of the hood. It was designed by the incomparable Edie Fake, one of my absolute favorite artists and designers. To see more of Edie’s art, you can go to his website here.

You can get a better gander at the banner by clicking on the image below (sorry it takes you to photoshop; we seem to be having a little trouble with image hosting here today.)

And here’s one of Edie’s abandoned drafts; the fade is interesting, but we both agreed it was better without.

For more on Edie, you can read my essay about his mini-comic Gaylord Phoenix. Or you can check out his contribution to the Gay Utopia. Or…go visit his website already!

4 thoughts on “Awesome Edie Fake Banner

  1. It’s quite Goreyesque, so therefore good, but more camp than the site itself.

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