Pat Oliphant is talented, but for years nows the chief thing about him has been that he’s weird. He becomes inflamed at will and lets loose with a vehemence that leaves me wondering about the artist instead of his target. For some reason he depicted Jacques Chirac as a streetwalker in a skirt because Chirac was against the Iraq war. But he also depicted George Bush as a helpless twit for ordering the war, and Condi Rice as a Dragon Lady type coolly smoking a cigarette in a holder while George buried his head on his desk. Yeah, George Bush, worrying. Then, in another cartoon, he showed Condi as a parrot telling Bush over and over he was doing good. That time, at least, he got it right, but what the hell? Furious and random is a bad combinati0n.
UPDATE 2 (by Noah the Interloper): Tom Crippen responds to Tom Spurgeon’s response