Jeff Autosue

I keep promising this, but I think this is really the last entry by me in our Mary Sue roundtable. No, really.

I wrote a brief review of Jeff Brown’s new book Funny Misshapen Body for the Chicago Reader a week or so ago:

With his relentless grid lay-outs, charmlessly crude drawings, and solipsistic subject matter, Jeff Brown has long embodied the most predictable tropes of sensitive alternative comic cartooning. His latest volume is, in every sense, more of the same: a series of short stories dedicated to rigorously chronicling every possible hipster autobio cliché. So we get one story about how Brown felt awkward around girls as an adolescent; one about how he came to draw comics; one about medical problems (Crone’s Disease, in his case); one about his experiences with alcohol; one about his experiences with drugs; one about how his teachers didn’t understand his art; one about how he finally started to be successful with his art, and on and on and on. As is de rigeur for this sort of thing, nobody else in the book is ever graced with either a personality or any sustained interests; it’s all just about Jeff’s ambivalence, Jeff’s bittersweet life lessons, Jeff’s struggles with his art. Through it all, Brown is careful to add that extra detail— the smug smile when he renounces pot; the fifteenth Chris Ware cameo — which pushes his work past tedious and right on into insufferable.

To expand just a little — one of the things that I like least about Brown’s work is the extent to which it mirrors the flatulent self-congratulation of super-hero decadence. These days, Justice League comics are often little more than long puff pieces about how great is the Justice League; Wonder Woman comics are often little more than long puff pieces about how great is Wonder Woman; and Jeff Brown comics? They’re just puff pieces about how great is Jeff Brown.


Here is Jeff Brown himself, chronicling his encounter with a rapturous Chris Ware. “Follow your bliss! Be honest!” Ignore the haters!” Ware asserts, while Brown stands by, presumably thinking “Shit yeah! I can totally use this in my next comic and then everybody will know how great I am because Chris fucking Ware! said so! And in clichéd terms too! Awesome!”

At least I can understand the appeal of the Justice League and Wonder Woman versions of self-puffery. Some small subset of people feel nostalgic for these characters; they have a relationship with them; they want to be told that Superman is wonderful, or Wonder Woman is wonderful, or whatever, because they like thinking about Superman and Wonder Woman. As I said in posts here and here, it ties into the Mary Sue trope; a kind of love/identification with a character. There’s a romance there which, especially in its corporate super-hero manifestations, tends to make for bad art…but at least the impulse is comprehensible.

But…why on earth would anyone want to read about how great Jeff Brown is? People don’t have childhood associations with the character; he’s not somebody who’s ever had good, or even marginally better, stories written about him. What is the percentage in having him preen in public? Are people really identifying with him as a Mary Sue; a character to love and to dream about? Are they actually seeing themselves in this anodyne hipster; or imagining themselves meeting him and engaging in orgies of self-regard? It all seems too repulsive to even consider. I’d much rather believe that people buy his books just because Chris Ware inexplicably told them to, period. In any case, give me an idealized Mary Sue any day over this image of smugly complacent mediocrity.

0 thoughts on “Jeff Autosue

  1. Yeah, the post-Crisis Jeffery Brown has lost most of the charm of the original.

    I dunno… I’m not an insanely huge fan, but I generally like his stuff. It aims squarely at “lightweight but cute” and achieves it.

    Although I like his non-memoir stuff better, or that thing in MOME where he did memoir-style captions over pictures of giant monsters.

    So REALLY the problem is not enough giant monsters, but I think that’s the problem with every work of art in the history of human civilization.

  2. I’d like to see the giant monster piece. I liked Bighead and what I’ve seen of his X-Men fan piece.

    Get Fuzzy is lightweight but cute. I don’t find Brown’s stuff to be either…but I guess I’ve maybe made that clear already.

  3. Noah, where's your original review of Brown's work? The one that maybe caused a dustup about how critics are the satan for hurting feelings? I hadn't read any of his work yet, so I skipped the review.

    & I did like his first book, reading it cold, for its rhythm and balance. Young lovers could sing along like Mel Torme, while the more experienced can find truthful rue in the immature moments and where they're headed. It also seemed well-structured, though the the Judge Mathis riffs (gags?) in that or another book made me question his control– your reading of the Ware bit above is tipping my scales…

    Where's Miriam? Jetsetting at cons? This is all about self-portrayal of the autobio cartoonist, so she'd have something good to say too.

  4. The review you’re talking about is here.

    I have to admit I didn’t read that first book…though I saw bits of it at the BFA show at the art institute before he was famous or had a book contract. I was immediately and deeply repulsed.

    But…I don’t know what Judge Mathis riffs you’re referring to. Can you explicate?

    And yeah, I think Miriam is jetsetting, alas for us (but not for her!)

  5. I’ve tended to (perhaps unfairly) use Jeffery Brown as my typical representation of what’s wrong with a lot of indie comics. I think “Mary Sue” is a good way to frame it.

    I don’t think a lot of indie comic creators reach too far outside themselves. Maybe I haven’t read enough of Brown’s work, but what I have read of it has made me not really want to read more.

  6. Yes; I think there are some exceptions (Ariel Schrag, most notably) who buck the trend, but otherwise not getting outside themselves seems like a good way to put it.

  7. Man, you sure do get off on being a jerk, huh? I hope that’s working out well for you.

  8. Being a jerk is fun, sure…but honestly, not fun enough to have read this if somebody hadn’t paid me.