TCJ 298: Percy Crosby, too

The new Comics Journal is out with a diverse lineup. The interviews are with twins Gabriel Bá and Fábio Moon and Perry Bible Fellowship creator Nicholas Gurewitch. R.C. Harvey weighs in & in on Obama caricature in political cartoons, while Tom Hart critiques Ron Regé’s first big collection. (I wish more cartoonists wrote criticism.)

Noah & Tom do not appear, more’s the shame, but I’ve got two pieces on very different manga.

One’s an introduction to a sample from Jiro Taniguchi’s A Distant Neighborhood, forthcoming from Fanfare/Ponent Mon. The other’s a review of the October 2001 volume of the alt-manga anthology AX, the one with the Jim Woodring cover. It’s my contribution to the discussion of the Top Shelf’s orthcoming AX collection prepared by Mitsuhiro Asakawa & Seán Michael Wilson. My article’s half review, half overview, with a look at the scuttlebutt from the end of Garo and the birth of AX.

One of the joys of print, other than shelving, is that I wrote it so long ago that it feels like somebody else wrote it. I’m not saying I read the whole thing nodding and got surprised at the byline, I’m just saying.

0 thoughts on “TCJ 298: Percy Crosby, too

  1. All right, now I've got something to read.

    But they really interviewed the Moon-Ba brothers?

  2. Huh; it's not up on their site yet. Where on earth did you find it? It's usually online weeks before it's in stores….

  3. (Dangit, Blogger. I was logging in, not posting.) Maybe I live next to a major postal hub. The Moon-Ba interview looks interesting, if just because I don't know their work.

  4. I saw a collection of short pieces called De:Tales. Nice drawing but seriously lame stories.

    TCJ's site now has the new issue. Deppey works even as we kibitz.

  5. I saw a collection of short pieces called De:Tales. Nice drawing but seriously lame stories.

    I read that one. I liked it at the time, but I can't remember a single thing about the plots, so I suppose at the least, they lacked staying power.