Best Artist No One Has Ever Heard Of

This is loosely part of a roundtable on the Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.
We ended up with an interesting thread on the best writer no one has heard of last week, so I thought I’d try again. Not sure if this is easier or harder than best writer? I guess we’ll see.

For me I think the best relatively obscure artist I know is my dear friend and sometime collaborator Bert Stabler, who works in a variety of mediums. His website is here. I really like this piece.

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Here’s the description that goes along with it.

Wall of Truth
I was laid off from my art teaching job in July 2011, and books I brought back from my art classroom were put in my basement. This series was created by scanning what happened after my basement flooded, and, after letting the books dry out for several weeks, I opened this beautiful book of Black Panther photography by Stephen Shame. It, along with dozens of other lovely books, was ruined. I was rehired two weeks later.

So who would you pick as the best artist no one has ever heard of? Let us know in comments.

4 thoughts on “Best Artist No One Has Ever Heard Of

  1. Oh, and since there are so many fabulous artists who are my friends, and/or are famous, the only one I can think of who is neither is Ben Chickadel, who makes paper sculptures.

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