Utilitarian Review 5/2/15


A trans man on what Sailor Moon means to him.

Remember Colombiana? It was terrible.

We’re going to do a roundtable on Joss Whedon; more details to come!

P. Marie, Zoe Samudzi, and Julia Serano on feminist exclusion of black and trans women.

Jaz Jacobi on why the silly wonderful Weisinger Superman is the greatest Superman of all.

Eric Berlatsky on how continuity precludes real diversity in superhero narratives.

Em Liu on Bruce Lee and the desexualization of Asian men in Hollywood.

Winter Soldier is a vacuous piece of crap that makes me hate my country.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Playboy I wrote about:

—(not) being an ally.

—Black widow, slut shaming, and why one strong female character isn’t enough.

I talked about how racism is partly a question of etiquette on the Matt Townsend show.

At Pacific Standard I wrote about how public policy has made Indiana’s HIV crisis worse.

At Ravishly I wrote about:

—how the genderless utopia isn’t really a utopia at all.

—Mariah Carey’s new video and gender without bodies.

At Splice Today I wrote about constantly marketing yourself as a freelancer.

And the Salem’s Lot study guide I worked on for Shmoop is online.
Other Links

Pauline Kal-El on why superhero comics in general, and Catwoman #23 in particular, are terrible.

Emma Kidwell on video games looking to attract a more diverse audience.

DeRay Mckesson reveals Wolf Blitzer to be a racist tool.

Gerry Conway on how DC works to screw creators out of royalties.
