Utilitarian Review 10/17/15


Featured Archive Post: Ng Suat Tong on Joe Sacco’s Journalism.

Robert Stanley Martin with on sale dates of comics from late 1948

Me on the visual crappiness of the Marvel movies.

Chris Gavaler on the Golem as first superhero.

Anthony Easton on Sholem Kristalka’s Berlin Diaries and how comics are not defined by juxtaposition.

Me on Numero Group’s Lonesome Heroes comp of fey male folk against the war.

Robert Stanley Martin with on sale dates for comics from early 1949—including Barks’ Lost in the Andes.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Playboy I wrote about the Richard Glossip case, race, and the arbitrariness of the death penalty.

At Quartz I wrote about Tarantino and the sadness of white directors.

At Ravishly I wrote about how everyone needs diverse books (also Delany’s Trouble With Triton.

At Splice Today I wrote about

—the apocalypse kitsch of Jonathan Jones.

—how discussions of privilege and race have energized the anti-prison movement.

how Joe Biden is running for President. No, really!

I worked on this Shmoop study guide for Helen Prejean’s Dead Man Walking.
Other Links

Pauline Gagnon on the famous astronomer who resigned over multiple sexual harassment charges.

Elizabeth Bruenig on why Sanders is far better than Clinton on poverty issues.

On how U.S. financial crises result when we go to war without paying for it.


5 thoughts on “Utilitarian Review 10/17/15

  1. I love the Delany link. By pleasant coincidence, I’m teaching him tomorrow for the first time ever. Tales of Neveryon (though Trouble on Triton was my runner-up) in my Late 20th Century American Fiction.

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