Utilitarian Review 6/4/16

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Featured Archive Post: Erica Friedman on Maurice Sendak.

Chris Gavaler on whether a flag can be a comic.

Ng Suat Tong reviews Blutch’s Peplum.

Me on the Whiteness Project, and the virtues and limits of listening to white people talk about race.

Me on Captain America: Truth and racism in the gas chamber.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Quartz I wrote about

β€”how chronic pain patients are being sacrificed to the drug war.

β€”the case for a female James Bond.

At Playboy I wrote about how Captain America has always been Hydra.

At the Daily Dot I wrote about how my son is super smart because he watches Crash Course.

At Splice Today I wrote about

β€”identity politics: not a slippery slope to neoliberalism.

β€”Scars of Dracula and defiling the virgin cross.

At Public Books, a little review of Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice.
Other Links

Waitinggirl13 on the difference between legalization and criminalization of sex work.

Vann R. Newkirk II on Trump and political violence.

Alliterator on the history of dark Captain America.

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