I’m editing a romance novel criticism column at Public Books! It doesn’t pay, alas, but if you’d like to write about a favorite romance novel for a general audience, contact me (myname at gmail.)
And a nice little review of my Wonder Woman book that I missed.
On Patreon
I wrote about:
Alice Guy-Blaché’s silent film about the horrors of gender flipping, The Consequences of Feminism.
why Nocturnal Animals is a misogynist piece of crap.
Adorno, Freddie deBoer, and why we shouldn’t be paying attention to something else.
Utilitarians Everywhere
At Quartz I wrote about
—Westworld, Sherlock, and how television is eager to prove it is smart art.
— Leigh Gilmore’s Tainted Witness and how not believing women got us Trump.
At Splice Today I wrote about
—Sherlock’s Molly Hooper and Trinity Syndrome.
—Elaine May’s incredibly painful The Heartbreak Kid.
—marketing the city of the monkey god.
I was on the podcast 60db talking about Westworld, Sherlock, Project Runway, and what’s wrong with quality television.