Utilitarian Review 5/19/17

On Patreon

For Patrons I wrote about the Hammer 1959 Mummy, imperialism and sex.

I wrote about why trying to convince Republicans is not really the way to political change.

And a post on why you should show political solidarity with people who show up rather than focusing all your efforts on folks who don’t.

I wrote about taking the woman your family enslaved, throwing her in the literary nonfiction machine, and turning the crank.

And I reprinted one of the nicest things anyone has said about me on the internets.
Utilitarians Everywhere

At Quartz I talked to Heath Fogg Davis about his book Beyond Trans and eliminating gender segregation.

At Splice Today I wrote about

—new pop releases by Tanika Charles, Charlotte OC, and the Overcoats.

—the Believer and why self-hating Jews are an anti-Semitic trope.

Freddie deBoer fulminating against fulminators.

At the Reader I wrote about blues/pop artist ZZ Ward.

1 thought on “Utilitarian Review 5/19/17

  1. Noah wrote:
    “Zionists or religious Jews have, for decades, painted assimilated Jews as touched by anti-Semitism, eschewing their faith because of a loathing of their true Jewish essence.”

    It’s funny, but that’s the argument right-wingers always resorts to. If I criticize GamerGate is must be because I hate my own sex. If I criticize racist groups, then it must be because I hate myself as a Dane.

    They just can’t comprehend when people in the same category as themselves doesn’t share their worldview.

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