Who Did You Meet On That Road?

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.

Editor’s Note: Betsy Phillips had a comment on her post this week in which she speculated on Sleepy John Estes’ influences. I thought I’d reprint it here, along with examples.

[Sleepy John Estes’] first record comes out in 1929. There’s not much recorded music before he gets his start. Certainly, there wasn’t recorded music on the radio at the time. So, his influences would all have been live musicians.

I wish someone would do a good biography of him while people who remember him are still alive. But, it’s interesting, just in the little bit we do know of him, how linked in he was with other West Tennessee black musicians. He played with Yank Rachell (who wrote “She Caught the Katy” among other things) from Brownsville and Hammie Nixon, also from Brownsville, who came straight out of jug bands and who recorded with a lot of folks in Memphis, as well as Son Bonds, who was hooked in with Sonny Boy Williamson out of Jackson.




So, I have a guess at an answer to who’s influencing him, just based on how far apart towns are. But let me be clear that I am purely guessing. Rural West Tennessee has a large African American population. Like the Mississippi Delta, it’s cotton-growing country. Before the Great Migration, the population in the country would have been predominately African-American. My guess is that there was a small chitlin circuit that ran out of Memphis, over to Jackson and back–again, my guess, is that performers went up 51, first night in Millington, second in Covington, third in Ripley, fourth in Dyersburg, etc. with a stop in Brownsville at some point. My guess is that West Tennessee musicians would take to the circuit when they could and that’s how they were all meeting each other. Because Brownsville is near Memphis now–with a car–but it certainly wasn’t then. There had to be some mechanism that was bringing these guys into contact with each other.

I also suspect in a song like “Milk Cow Blues” that we’re hearing the heavy influence of black minstrel show music (obviously, music from the larger chitlin circuit).

Two things make me think that. We know that performers at the minstrel shows were, obviously, not amplified but needed to be heard above a crowd and we know that every minstrel show featured a marching band. If you listen to the song with those two things in mind, a few things jump out–you could march to that song, the guitar rolls in the song could be nods to the drum rolls you would have heard in a marching band, and you can bellow the lyrics (in fact, Robert Plant regularly did). Estes isn’t bellowing on the record, but, thanks to Plant, it’s not hard to imagine how you could project “Hey, sweet mama, let me be your kid” over the noise of a crowd.

So, that’s my guess–that his influences were the live performers he saw there in Brownsville, but that he probably had the ability to see a lot more good musicians coming through Brownsville then than we realize.

The Karori Cemetery Jogging Mix

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.


If you ever played a game of Risk, then you know why you can’t find New Zealand on a map. I would have placed it in Indonesia—before my wife won a Fulbright and our family lived in the capital Wellington for five months. Friends and colleagues kept thinking we were going to Australia. One of our college administrators actually wrote “Australia” in her letters. It was as if were traveling to Counter Earth—that near duplicate planet High Evolutionary invented and set in orbit on the other side of the sun. Superman’s radio writers placed Krypton there too. New Zealand occupies the same position relative to the globe and the American imagination. We don’t really know it’s out there.

When we settled into the Wellington suburbs in January 2011, one of my first stops was the Karori public library to get books for the kids and CDs for me. I took a daily, forty-minute jog through the hills of the historic cemetery, listening to whatever new disc I’d downloaded to my iShuffle that week.

karori cemetery

It’s an island nation and so home to some evolutionary oddballs: flightless kiwi birds and giant weta insects. Its music scene grows mutations too. “Flight of the Conchords” had already flapped stateside, but I discovered Fat Freddy’s Drop before flying over too: techno, blues, reggae, jazz, rock—they give new and glorious meaning to the term “fusion.” I’d of course heard of Split Enz and Crowded House too, and Neil Finn maintains a deservedly god-like presence. “Weather with You” is simply the best pop song ever—though I didn’t realize that till I heard it covered by the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra.

An early 80s compilation album nearly destroyed my mind with a roster of never-heard-by-me New Wave hits that were not imitations of the bands I grew up with but Counter Earth variants orbiting parallel to them. But it was the recent releases section of the library shelves that most wooed me. Every week I’d select one track from the CD I’d been spinning during jogs and family meals. When we left in May, I had a playlist of my idiosyncratic exploration of kiwi musicology.

The first track is the national rugby team performing a Maori war chant, and the last is another traditional Maori song spilled into electronica. The Naked and Famous followed us home. I didn’t hear Kimbra and Lorde while jogging, but they roosted in U.S. airwaves since our return too. All of these artists deserve the same exposure. Some even got me enjoying reggae, a peculiarly ubiquitous style for a nation floating in a different ocean than Jamaica. Folk and blues and pop and jazz and progressive rock washed up on my New Zealand beaches too. Only 4 ½ million people populate the country, but it’s a planet of music.

Here’s your introductory playlist. I recommend jogging up and down grave-scattered hills while listening.

    1. All Blacks, “Ka Mate Haka” (2007)

    3. The Naked and Famous, “Young Blood” (2010)

    5. Sallmonella Dub, “Dancehall Girl” (2004)

    7. Brooke Fraser, “Something in the Water” (2010)

    9. Phil Judd, “Hanging By A Thread” (2008)
    10. sample here


    11. The Woolshed Sessions, “Dead Happy” (2008)

    13. Gin Wigmore, “Hey Ho” (2009)

    15. The Checks, “What You Heard” (2007)

    17. The Phoenix Foundation, “Buffalo” (2010)

    19. Goldenhorse, “American Wife” (2004)
    20. sample here


    21. Hollie Smith, “Let Me Go” (2010)

    23. Don McGlashen, “Not Ready” (2008)
    24. sample here.


    25. Tahuna Breaks, “Casually Acquainted” (2007)
    26. sample here


    27. The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, “Weather With You” (2007)

    29. Little Bushman, “Nature of Man” (2007)

    31. Norman Meehan & Bill Manhire, “The Oreti River” (2010)
    32. sample here

    33. James Duncan, “My New Flumes” (2009)

    35. Hinemoa Baker, “Talk You Up” (2004)
    36. sample here

    37. The Close Readers, “Lake Alice” (2011)

    39. WAI, “Tirama” (2010)
    40. sample here




An Introduction to the Music of Eritrea

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.

I come from a land in Africa bordering the Red Sea. Its name is Eritrea. There’s no reason for you to know it. I barely know it beyond its past. The country is one of the most informationally opaque in the world, governed by a regime convinced isolation and control trump vulnerability to invasion by land or Western politics. It took 100 years from that start of Italy’s reign to the end of Ethiopian occupation for my people to stand freely beneath their own flag. Twenty years later, they flee one of their own.


In North America, the music of my home remains largely unknown outside the diaspora.
While the fetishization of East African women in hip-hop has been extensively documented, references to Eritrea by popular bands have either had nothing to do with the country (Future of the Left’s “Arming Eritrea”) or ignored it altogether (Bright Eyes’ “Haile Selassie”). Lupe Fiasco’s latest track is also titled “Haile Selassie” and uses excerpts from the Emperor’s speech on inequality at the 1963 United Nations General Assembly:

“That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; That until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation…[Until that day, the African continent will not know peace.]”

If these words seem familiar, the same excerpt was featured in Bob Marley’s “War.” The General Assembly address occurred less than a year after Jamaica’s independence; the General Assembly address occurred less than a year after Haile Selassie annexed Eritrea and declared it the 14th province of Ethiopia, leading to a war for independence spanning 30 years.

Another of the excerpts in Fiasco’s “Haile Selassie” involves the act of silencing:

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

There are many ways to destroy a cultural identity. Forbidding access to a language is one of them. The year 1962 was also the year Haile Selassie burned all books in Eritrea written in the country’s most widely spoken tongue, Tigrinya, and decreed all new books and educational materials would be printed solely in Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia. The role of Eritrean music, for decades already a call to arms against occupiers, skyrocketed in significance.

In terms of global distribution, this music has at best been lumped in with the synthesizer-averse E?thiopiques series. Emulations of Eritrean music have also appeared stateside by well-meaning bands (e.g., Fool’s Gold’s “Yam Lo Mosech“). Yet, the Eritrean heroes responsible for inspiring large swaths of the country to fight for independence — singers who were jailed and tortured as political dissenters — have seen limited exposure beyond their borders.

The reasons are numerous. To Western ears, Eritrean music has about as much rhythmic variation as mud; the same drumbeat can be heard at roughly the same tempo on the majority of songs; the length of each song typically falls between 6-9 minutes: Pop music this is not. And truly, these songs are for dancing, which in certain Eritrean traditions entails shuffling in a circle while shrugging one’s shoulders to the beat.

Listen, I know. I know how this sounds. I expect no miracles from new listeners. It took decades for me to embrace it. The voices were shrill. The singers’ frequent inability to commit to one pitch per vowel an affront to whatever thread of Puritanism I inherited from America. The meandering saxophone — an aural figure so revered it was employed during a minute of silence when Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki held a gathering in New York City in 2011 — haunting more songs than I care to admit.

Historically, ours has been a music of metaphor and self-censorship. For more than half a century, Eritreans have been singing about their presumably-human-and-definitely- DEFINITELY-nothing-at-all-to-do-with-political-independence loves because they couldn’t sing openly about their own country. Some tried; eyes were lost. And yes, occasionally the lyrics were about romance, but mostly they were about the endless pursuit of freedom.

Below are a handful of songs/videos featuring Eritrean performers. Some highlight the kraar, a stringed instrument present in many Eritrean songs. By no means is this a comprehensive list. While the Tigrinya tribe of Eritrea is its biggest, there are eight other ethnic groups in the country, each with its own language, style of dance, and festive garb. Additional songs and artists can be discovered on Eritrea 24, Spotify, and other online primers.

The Arresting Sound of Cardiacs

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.


Cardiacs are a British band from Surbiton. They were active from the late 1970s through 2008 — a lengthy career that can be divided into at least two distinct phases — and in that time they produced several difficult-to-describe albums. I like aspects of all their records and rank certain pieces alongside any earthly music that I have heard, from any era and any nation. (In fact, some of you might just want to cut to the chase and check out my personal favorite Cardiacs composition, “The Everso Closely Guarded Line,” before reading any further. It’s the final track from their 1989 album, On Land And In The Sea: an attention-demanding eight-minute mini-epic distinguished by recapitulated sequences of Baroque-style melodic counterpoint. The last three or four minutes coalesce into a rhythmically complex, anthemically rousing passage of such startling beauty that my heart swells in my chest and my eyes get all watery every time I listen to it. I recommend turning off the phone and the lights before hitting play. It’s available here in HD audio:

Don’t forget to adjust your YouTube settings for full quality!)

Adoring the band as I do, I have often thought that it would be nice to share my enthusiasm with friends and acquaintances. But Cardiacs can be a tough sell. Most people have simply never heard of them. But it also turns out that lot of the people who have heard of them don’t like them.

They are a challenging proposition. I’ll concede that right away. Their overall sound is a rebarbative fusion of punk and progressive rock. Like a lot of classic punk acts, their music is often abrasively loud and manically fast, and combines grating, adenoidal vocals with aggressive guitar-based riffing. But like a lot of progressive rock bands, they have a penchant for odd time signatures, multi-layered arrangements, surprising chord modulations, and unpredictable song structures that eschew the traditional verse-chorus-verse template. Tim Smith’s lyrics are also strange and obscure, shot through with grotesque humor and playful mock-infantilism. Themes of suburban alienation (“A Little Man and a House”), the confusion and profusion of sexual desire (“Buds and Spawn”), and apocalyptic religiosity (“Fiery Gun Hand”) are all discernable, but rarely resolve into a coherent statement; the results can be entertaining, frustrating, and unsettling, by turns.

I think this unlikely blending of two ostensibly opposed popular musical genres — punk and prog — aggravates some listeners for reasons that are as much ideological as aesthetic. To be more precise: I think the music of Cardiacs inadvertently exposed the deep formal conservatism behind the putatively radical aesthetic assumptions of the British music press in the 1980s, according to which punk and prog were regarded as essentially equivalent to matter and anti-matter. Certainly, the punk-worshiping journalists of the early 80s were primed to despise anything that smacked of prog almost reflexively; the idea that a band might try and bring both genres together to forge a new idiom simply could not be countenanced. Consequently, Cardiacs were repudiated more harshly than many bands of the same era that committed the (more ordinary) musical sins of blatant commercialism and shameless derivativeness.

For example, reviewing the Big Ship 12-inch (1986) — Cardiacs’ first vinyl release — Mick Mercer of the Melody Maker suggested that somebody should “arrest these peasants before they get another chance.” For Mercer, it was as if the band had committed some kind of musical crime. A year later, reviewing A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window for the New Musical Express, Jack O’Neill was even harsher: “Cardiacs are the sound of both feet in the grave,” he opined. What’s more, shortly following O’Neill’s review, the editors at the NME — a powerful organ of musical opinion at the time — seem to have taken the unusually vindictive step of blacklisting the band altogether. Even if another musician or band cited Cardiacs admiringly, the subsequent article or interview would eliminate the reference; no one was allowed to say anything good about them!

It wasn’t just the press who reacted with revulsion in those early days. I witnessed at first hand the hatred that Cardiacs could inspire in an audience on what was (tragically, for me), the only occasion that I ever saw them perform live. The year was 1984, and I was fifteen years old when I caught Cardiacs as the support group for a headline act that I am now embarrassed to name — although of course it was that headline act that I had actually gone out to see. (OK, it was Marillion, but please don’t hold that against me, or more importantly against Cardiacs, who really don’t sound anything like Marillion at all.)

I can still clearly recall that both Tim Smith (lead guitar, vocals, principal song-writer) and Sarah Smith (saxophone) were wearing garish, clown-like make-up, to disturbing fake-jolly effect. I also remember a few obviously choreographed bits of cabaret-style theater. For example, there was a curious Brechtian mini-drama during the final number, in which Tim was joined onstage by an MC-figure in tie-and-tails who presented him with a bottle of champagne and then showered him in confetti — a display that seemed to move Tim to tears. (You can see a version of this set-piece here, played on a much larger scale and stage for a more receptive crowd.)

Cardiacs were hardly the first band to incorporate such antics into their act, of course. But at the time, even the slightest gesture towards such self-consciously “arty” theatricality was very much out of fashion. I doubt most of the teenagers in the crowd had ever seen anything like it — I certainly hadn’t — and the unfamiliarity of the performance style might partly explain why the response was so blisteringly savage. Within a few minutes of taking the stage, Cardiacs were under attack; bottles, cans, and homophobic obscenities (anything different was “queer” in Cardiff in 1984) were hurled at them in a barrage that lasted for pretty much the entire set. (In retrospect, the viciousness of the crowd only made Tim’s clown-child onstage persona seem even more vulnerable and incongruous — thereby adding to the affectively off-kilter dynamic that he was clearly trying to generate.) It was a pretty horrifying scene, really, but the band just played right through the storm of missiles and insults as if it wasn’t happening. Perhaps they had already got used to that kind of reception; I’ve read it was even worse at other gigs on this tour. (Apparently, at one show irate audience members set fire to the stage curtain in an effort to drive the band off). Still, it cannot have been easy to keep going in the face of such violent hostility.

As for me — I pretty much loved the band instantly. I’m not sure what it was, but I just knew the audience had got it wrong — and that something was happening on that stage that was a lot more interesting and unexpected than what I had come out for that night, even if I wasn’t fully able to process it. The sound and the look were unusual, no doubt about it. But it got under my skin and into my head and I knew I wanted more.

Unfortunately, I didn’t even know what the band was called. The ticket and posters just said “Marillion plus support.” It would be some days before I learned the name, talking to an older kid at school who it turned out had also been at the gig (apparently he’d seen the word “CARDIACS” stenciled on an amplifier or equipment box or something). And even when armed with this information, I could not find any records by the band in the local shops. (Reasonably enough; Cardiacs had yet to release anything on vinyl, as it turns out, although they had released several recordings in a cassette-only format of very limited distribution. In the absence of the Internet, however, I had no way of knowing any of this.)

In fact, almost three years would pass before I finally stumbled over a Cardiacs album one fateful day in 1987, while browsing the racks in Cardiff’s justly famous Spillers Records. It was called A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window; the cover image was a black and white photo of a giant daisy. I saw the name, I remembered that weird, intense, disconcerting gig from what already seemed like eons ago (three years is a long time when you are a teenager), and I bought the thing, unheard and untested, and eagerly caught the bus home to play it.

I loved this record instantly, too, and even recognized some bits and pieces from the show I had seen (such as the repeated refrain of “that’s the way we all go” from the title track and the song “RES”). This time, though, I was encountering them in the context of an ambitiously “modernist” concept album (or near enough) about the fear and loneliness and false bonhomie engendered by contemporary urban life — and the idea that something bigger than the big city might be glimpsed out of the “whole world window.” (For a lengthy review that does a superb job contextualizing both the band and this unusual record, check out the essay by Sean Kitching in The Quietus from last year)

I was now a bona fide Cardiacs fan; nevertheless, I somehow missed their next album (1989’s on On Land and In The Sea) — probably due to my being wrapped up in my final year at university — and then in the early 90s I left the UK for the United States, and got distracted by … well, a whole bunch of things. After a few more years I even got rid of my record player (though not my records) and over a decade passed when I didn’t listen to the Cardiacs music at all.

But just a couple of years ago I was going through my old vinyl records with a view to finally selling them off when I found my (now more than twenty-years-old) copy of A Little Man and a House … and found myself wondering “what happened to these guys?” And this time, thanks to the marvelous technology of the Internet I was able to make a belated rediscovery of the band. I think this is the closest I have come to that uniquely 21st century experience of hooking up with an old high-school sweetheart in middle age via Facebook. I feel as if I should have loved this band all my life; that other groups were mere dalliances by comparison to this — the real thing. Getting back into Cardiacs has felt like coming home, and for the last few years I’ve listened to them with more passionate interest than almost any other band, almost as if I’ve been trying to make up for lost time.

I swiftly learned that they too had gone through some major transitions in the early nineties, transforming from a six person line-up featuring saxophone, keyboards, and a second percussionist along side guitar, bass, and drums, into a leaner and meaner guitar-driven quartet. To my delight, I also discovered that I liked this later incarnation as much as the band I first fell for back in the 80s. The musical texture of their sound obviously changed with their instrumentation, but all the things that I loved — the strangeness and complexity and inventiveness and emotional intensity — were still there in abundance. They still had the capacity to disturb and they still had that wild, ecstatic, manic joyfulness.


Rather less happily, I also learned of the terrible series of strokes that laid Tim Smith low and almost ended his life in 2008 (apparently when he was just on the eve of completing the first Cardiacs album of the 21st century). According to several reports, while Tim’s mind is as sharp as ever, he is now partially paralyzed and badly in need of ongoing physical therapy. I continue to hope that one day we may hear better news from the Cardiacs camp regarding his condition, but for the time being, at least, it seems unlikely that he will be able to lead his band onto to a stage again. (The story is covered here in article from The Guardian. I suspect this article represents the only time Cardiacs ever got a write up in the mainstream British press, which is a bitter irony and a damned shame all by itself.)

For a few years after this disaster, the Cardiacs website was dormant and the albums slipped out of print (although old copies would sell for quite shockingly inflated prices on eBay). As of last year, however, the shop at their website re-opened, and you can now buy all their albums once again, direct from the UK. So if after reading this and listening to any of the tracks I’ve chosen as a selection, if you do decide you want to hear more, PLEASE consider ordering the CDs from Mary at the website. A good portion of the proceeds will go towards Tim’s ongoing medical expenses, so you can actually feel good about an act of self-indulgence, even as you acquire some of the most interesting and under valued British pop music of the last century. Humanity point and hipster points in one happy purchase — you can’t go wrong!

OK, time now for a few sample tracks from across the career. This is an entirely personal and idiosyncratic set of choices — other Cardiacs fans might have made a very different selection — but I’ve also tried represent some of the different musical phases of the band with the few choices.


That link to the disturbing original video, although personally I’d rather just listen to the track which is intense enough as it is. This version is from the CD re-release of one of those obscure “cassette only” albums from the early 1980s, The Seaside. I actually remember them playing this when I saw them; the stop-start riff was very distinctive, and the whole band would freeze each time the music stopped. I think it’s this kind of track led music critics to call Cardiacs a Pronk band (after the unlikely mixture of Prog and Punk). Tim rejected the label, preferring “psychedelic” — if you have to have a label for us, he said — but this is indeed pretty pronky, IMO. Recently covered by Napalm Death.


A fade-in and crash, followed by some ominous parping on the horns and strings, and then those too fade away, replaced by muted industrial clanking sounds, over which a tentative, anxious character sings of his eagerness to get to work on time. And things get stranger from there. I think this album really needs to be heard of a piece … but maybe this first track will whet your appetite. (You should skip I’m Eating in Bed if listening to the whole thing, BTW, and listen to it later; it’s a fine track — but it was not part of the original album release and doesn’t really belong there.)


A delirious single from 1987. I. Inspired performances from the rhythm section in particular. Love this one. Echt Cardiacs.


This version kindly uploaded in HD so your dog can appreciate the higher frequencies. From On Land And In The Sea. This track completely defies my powers of description. It comes in so many different pieces and the tempo shifts are truly boggling — I can’t imagine the amount of rehearsal required to pull this off. And yet it really doesn’t feel like prog-muso showing off to me. It’s just too damn manic for that. I hear something new in it every time.


Can’t find this in higher than 240p, but this should be good enough to get the flavor. With this track we jump to 1992 and the Heaven Born and Ever Bright Album album — the first by the more stripped-down four-piece the band became in the 1990s. This is a remarkable composition that manages to look backward to 1960s psychedelia and forward to the future of pop, at the same time. In another instance of the band’s bad luck, ROUGH TRADE (the record label) went bankrupt shortly after this record was released and the album became impossible to find till 1995 when Tim was able to re-release it on his own label.


A relatively straight-ahead rocker (well, almost … the instrumental break is quite mental). From Sing To God (1996), a double album that most fans consider to be Cardiacs’s masterpiece. I think I like on On Land And In The Sea (1989) slightly more, but both are wonderful, and Sing To God has just been re-released in a deluxe 180g vinyl pressing for all you true audiophiles.


For this one, I’m just going to quote a section of Sean Kitching’s recent review of that deluxe new vinyl edition of Sing to God, since he offers a better summary of this song than I could possibly write myself.

‘Dirty Boy’ is perhaps the album’s crowning achievement. It begins with a guitar riff reminiscent of Alice Cooper’s ‘I’m Eighteen’ and alchemically transmutes its base material over the course of its nearly nine minutes duration with celestially ringing sounds constructed by innumerably overlaid strata of acoustic guitar and incredibly drawn out sustained vocals that when performed live had an undeniably consciousness-altering effect on all those present.” (For the whole review, go here.


Here it is again just in case you didn’t play it already. And here they are doing it live many years later — bootleg sound, of course, but they pull it off.


The Music Machine: Black Glove and the Loneliest Garage

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.

The Music Machine were —

Sean Bonniwell – vocals, guitar
Keith Olsen – bass
Ron Edgar – drums, vocals
Mark Landon – lead guitar
Doug Rhodes – organ, flute, vocals

I’m going to say it again – the “Canon” means nothing. Not in comics, not in literature. And certainly not in music.

There are the little demolitions. The knocks, the craters, the crumbling walls. But it’s not just the Harold Blooms of the world that hang onto the idea, however stupid, that popularity can ever be indicative of quality, that, in the end, in matters of taste, history is always right.

A simple demonstration.

What was the fiercest band of the mid to late sixties “garage rock” explosion? The smartest songs? How about the most adventuresome?

Ever heard of the Music Machine?

No biographical summary of mine would ever be equal to the writing of Richie Unterberger, who interviewed Music Machine singer/songwriter Sean Bonniwell for his 1998 classic book Unknown Legends of Rock and Roll. So for a more thorough overview of the band’s history, pick up a copy of the book, or check out a full transcription of Unterberger’s interview with Bonniwell here.

But really, the songs and performances are their own justification.

The Music Machine hailed from Los Angeles, California, and were formed out of the trio The Ragamuffins. Bonniwell, him of the tough songs and gruff voice, was a graduate of folk quartet The Wayfarers, who released three LPs for RCA in the early 60’s. Listening to those recordings now, it’s hard to imagine the sounds to which that sweet voice would be twisted.

Driven by Bonniwell’s taut songwriting and unhinged voice, the band rose to prominence in the L.A. rock and roll scene and spilled over nationally, scoring a top 20 hit with “Talk Talk,” their scattered, stabbing first single. Like all of the greats, they were discovered in a bowling alley, performing continuous, uninterrupted 90 minute sets for their attentive fans and, presumably, bewildered bowlers. These days, they’re primarily known as “that band” that future Fleetwood Mac producer/engineer Keith Olsen got his start in. (It’s him playing the mean detuned bass guitar on these recordings. He also designed and built the fuzz boxes used by the band.)

At this distance, what you might hear in the Music Machine is really dependent on your own familiar frames of reference. For 60’s popular music enthusiasts, what you have in this soup is essentially a smart, violent Iron Butterfly on speed instead of downers. (A glance at the relevant time lines will tell you which direction this influence lies — the L.A.-via San Diego band Iron Butterfly released their debut album in 1968, two years after the national success of the Music Machine’s “Talk Talk.”) As this comparison might suggest, as much as the “proto-punk” label has been thrown at the Music Machine, it’s perhaps “proto-prog” that’s most present in the arrangements, specifically the segmented nature of the instrumental hand-offs. The songs are rarely constructed by block chords moving around the neck of the guitar – rather, the unusual, doomy chords are suggested by interlocking melodic lines carried by multiple instruments, each staying within its own narrowly defined frequency range.

In the above, “Talk Me Down,” and “You’ll Love Me Again,”  you’ll hear the same arrangement sensibilities, stop-start dynamics, gruff then shrieking vocals, wordless screams and pseudo-James Brown mannerisms and funky bass with roller-rink Farfisa organ skating along atop. The line up of the band that recorded (and apparently, endlessly rehearsed) these songs didn’t last long — breaking up sometime in 1967, less than two years into the life of the band. They were, it is said, plagued by bad luck, negligence, short-sightedness, and mismanagement at every turn. And yet, somehow, they managed to squeeze out at least a dozen perfect songs, even if a real full-length statement eluded them.

It’s a fate that could easily have met their contemporaries, Love, or The Zombies, both bands which had tremendous early success with singles that were just indications of the greatness to come, both of which managed to put together transcendent full-length albums before retiring to that great rock and roll second-hand shop in the sky– Forever Changes and Odessey and Oracle, respectively.

But in The Music Machine, we just have those scattered singles, two-minute angry screeds against, what, exactly? Girls. Loneliness. The human struggle for life in a hostile, hateful world of selfish pursuit and gluttonous predation? Complete with horrifying duck calls? Hell yes!

What’s that? You love that terrifying song, but you’d much rather hear it whilst watching the band limply mime the tune? And you’d really like them to be introduced by Casey Kasem? Here you go! Happy to oblige!

What happened to the Music Machine is almost too mundane to summarize. Dissatisfaction. Too little money, too many ways to split it. Exploitation and exhaustion. Too many bowling alleys, not enough nights in the studio. Regardless of the details, they went the way of any great group, leaving, unfortunately,  with their ultimate promise unfulfilled.

But oh, what wonderful remains.

You can purchase the entire Music Machine catalogue in two meticulous releases from Big Beat– The Bonniwell Music Machine and the Ultimate Turn-On. If you’ve enjoyed these clips, you’ll love the heck out of these reissues.

It’s an interesting mental exercise to imagine future music enthusiasts digging through the past decade of music, looking for hidden gems of the era, unknown or forgotten bands of that time period. In the case of the Music Machine, they had the serious advantage of lots of regional exposure, hell, of a national hit, even if the trick wasn’t repeated. And even though the rest of their catalog was obscure, the flag, the signal flare, was there. “Here we are. Come listen.”

What hope, exactly, does a band have today?

The bowling alleys, the bars of listeners, the VFWs, the dance halls, the venues, all gone, as is regional radio. All the ways a band had to make themselves known to their neighbors. And so even while recording equipment gets cheaper and cheaper, cheap instruments better and better, the audience continues to shrink. What brave soul would wade into that sea of unfiltered musical content in an attempt to extract the unknown gem?

I don’t envy them the attempt.

I’ll leave you all with two last songs — “In My Neighborhood,” a Music Machine novel in two minutes, and a track from the much-maligned and almost completely invisible Sean Bonniwell follow-up to the Music Machine, which turns a more nostalgic eye toward the past, in retreat from the present.


Going to Brownsville? Take that Right Hand Road.

This is part of a roundtable on The Best Band No One Has Ever Heard Of. The index to the roundtable is here.

There’s not much to Durhamville, Tennessee, where Sleepy John Estes (born John Adam Estes, January 25, 1899 according to his grave/born John Adams Estes, January 28, 1900 according to his World War I draft card– June 5, 1977) was born and buried, with a life in nearby Brownsville sandwiched between. To get there, you drive narrow, mostly straight, country roads. The speed limit is 50, but that’s only to encourage the locals who could certainly drive faster to watch out for the rare stranger who has to take the roads much slower. For Tennessee, the land is flat, though, being Tennessee, that means it has some gentle rolls to it. It’s mostly farmland, interrupted by wavy lines of trees in the low spots where the creeks lay. I’ve always come into Durhamville from the south, so it’s one farm after another, then a cemetery on the right, more farms, and then the cemeteries surrounding the Elam Baptist Church on the left. Maybe a quarter mile up the road is “downtown” Durhamville, which is four empty wooden buildings at a crossroad—three brick store-ish looking buildings on one side of the street and one wooden building on the other that gives off a kind of post-office-ish vibe. They are obviously no longer safe to enter.

Once tractors were cheaper than sharecroppers, there wasn’t any need for even as little of Durhamville as there was.
But the Elam Baptist Church is still something of a tourist destination, kind of, if I, going out there every year or so to Sleepy John Estes’s grave, count as a tourist. The church you can see from the road sits on a slight rise, surrounded by graves and a fence. This is the old white Baptist church. Down the lane that runs next to the church is another church, the old black Baptist church. According to the people I found at the church, it has a white congregation now. It has a smattering of graves near it. And then, the next lot south, is an enormous cemetery, one that seems to be made up of one-third Esteses, none of whom are Sleepy John. If you’re looking for him, he’s buried next to his sister in a kind of no-man’s land where the three cemeteries come together.

Sleepy John’s grave, taken by itself, isn’t actually that interesting. You can see it on Find-a-Grave and spare yourself the soggy shoes and the bug bites. But standing in the cemetery full of Esteses is totally worth it. For one thing, it’s hard to think of Sleepy John Estes as some isolated lone bluesman when you’re standing among fifty of his family members. Most of the Esteses have Masonic symbols on their graves—even Sleepy John’s sister—so it’s easy enough to imagine that he probably also was a Mason, which, in rural Tennessee in his lifetime would have been part social club, part survival strategy. Mostly, you get the feeling of Sleepy John being a part of a large family in a close-knit community that sat in a place fundamentally rigged against them. Just looking at the dead Baptists, Durhamville must have had three black people for every white person, and yet who got the nice church and the churchyard burial? Not the Esteses.

The most important thing you can see by going to Durhamville, if, for some reason, you actually would want to go there is that, if you are going from Durhamville to Brownsville, perhaps to see the girl you love, with her great, long, curly hair, you do, indeed, take the right-hand road.

Now we’re getting at the interesting thing about Sleepy John Estes. Mr. Hugh Clarke, of “Lawyer Clark Blues,” was a real person in Brownsville. “Vasser Williams” who gets what amounts to the world’s best auto-shop commercial in “Brownsville Blues” was likely Vassar Williamson, who was living in rural Lauderdale County in 1930 with his wife, Morene, and their son, Verlon. (I base this both on the fact that this is the only Vassar living in Lauderdale County and that Sleepy John drops the last syllable in a lot of words in this song—Durhamville gets shortened to Durham, Brownsville to Browns. No reason “Williamson’s shop” couldn’t get truncated to Williams’ shop.) I couldn’t nail down a Martha Hardin, but there are a couple of possible women (A Martha Ewell, whose father was Jim Hardin died in Dyer, just northeast of Brownsville, in 1956 at the age of forty. Right name, right general area, right general age. And there are a couple of older Martha Hardins buried south of Brownsville, possibilities if we imagine John taking up with 50 year old women when he was a young man. And that’s assuming her last name isn’t Harding or, considering John’s mumble, possibly Hardeman—both last names you would have found in Brownsville or the surrounding county before the song was recorded.). The streets Sleepy John refers to are real streets you can drive down in Brownsville—Wilson and Bradford.


Now, I’m trying to walk a tricky line here because I, personally, find the backstories of songs in most cases rather tedious. I don’t care how many songs Pattie Boyd inspired, for instance. But I don’t think that what Sleepy John was up to was quite that simple. Steve Leggett over at All Music calls Brownsville Sleepy John’s Spoon River, as in Edgar Lee Master’s Spoon River Anthology, and I think this gets as close to Sleepy John’s artistic project as I’ve seen anyone bother to come.

Sleepy John wasn’t attempting to literally or figuratively seduce anyone by writing a song about them (at least, not in the way George Harrison or Eric Clampton were Boyd). He was, I think, transforming the ordinary people and places that surrounded him into something aestheticly meaningful. He wasn’t writing a song for, say, Hugh Clarke that would curry favor with him (or at least not that alone). He was trying to do something to Clarke through that song, to make Clarke valuable to Estes’ audience not because he was a good lawyer, but because the song about him was good.

Sleepy John was what we might these days call “adding value” to the place he lived with and the people he lived among by making them subjects of song. Think about how powerful it is, even though we all know it’s corny, when we go to a concert and the performer says, “Hello, [whatever place the performer is in tonight]!” That feeling of “Where we live matters to this artist we like!” Now imagine what that must have been like to have Sleepy John singing songs about the people in these little unknown towns, being able to go to record shops, or at that time, probably furniture stores, and finding records with people you knew mentioned on them.

I just finished Steve Johnson’s chapbook, Obscure Early Bluesmen (Who Never Existed), which, in a brief nineteen pages manages to mercilessly skewer every single thing about white people and our long, problematic love of old, obscure blues. One of the jokes of the book is that almost all of these fake bluesmen, of course, recorded a version of Stagger Lee. It’s just expected—of course every blues singer, even those that don’t exist, would have a version of Stagger Lee.

But “Stag” Lee Shelton was a real person. Billy Lyons was a real person. And we still sing about them. We don’t know who first wrote that song, but that song made those men immortal, after a fashion.

You listen to enough Sleepy John Estes and you start to suspect that he is deliberately up to something similar. He is, by god, going to write songs so catchy about these people and this place that they live on and become mythological. They are real and more than real.

I debated a long time about whether Sleepy John Estes was obscure enough to write about. Take three seconds to type “Sleepy John Estes” into Google and you’ll be able to read about what an enormous influence he was on Bob Dylan, how Ralph Peer recognized his talent, how Led Zeppelin “borrowed” heavily from him.

Sleepy John hasn’t been lost or forgotten—even if the people in the church near where he rests have no idea who he is—and he’s likely someone you’ve heard of. His music, even the old stuff, isn’t that hard to get into because he had such impact on the gods of 20th century popular music. You’ll recognize songs and phrases and vocal approaches, even if you think you don’t know him. And a lot of his songs are just flat-out fun. Try “Milk Cow Blues” which somehow sounds like a person wound three music boxes all playing the same song and set them off to playing that song at slightly different times. There’s no reason the song shouldn’t shake apart into nonsense, but somehow it doesn’t. It’s genius, awesome, and makes clear his jug band roots.

But I think what’s been obscured about him is that he wasn’t just the musical progenitor of songs we love. He had an artistic drive, an aesthetic sensibility. He was up to something in that place with those people. He wasn’t just writing about them—his songs aren’t three-minute documentaries. He was trying to do something to and for them.
But, I’ll admit, I’m struggling to even find the words to talk about what that something is. And I want to get at it. To put it into words that would make you appreciate what it’s like to stand next to someone’s grave, to see his people in the dirt there with him, and to listen to those songs and hear him singing about them like they mattered, not just to him, but to the larger world.

So, this is the thing about Sleepy John Estes: he had a goal and it wasn’t just to write the best songs he could or to be the best guitarist he could, though those are fine goals. He knew music could do something and he wanted it to do that something for and to the people he knew.

And when you stand in those places, among those familiar names, looking at how the real world maps onto Sleepy John’s artistic world, it feels like he may have done it, may have brought those two realms close enough together that some of his ordinary world was able to escape and live on.
Editor’s Note: One of Betsy’s comments on this thread has been turned into a follow up post with youtube examples here.

Fascism and Black Metal


This piece originally appeared on Splice Today.

If you know one thing about black metal, it’s probably that some performers are racist shitheads who burn churches. Jessica Hopper recently published yet another article retailing the various unpleasantnesses committed by Varg Vikernes of Burzum. She did vary the formula a little, though, by acknowledging that not all black metal performers are Nazis. Instead, she argued that all black metal performers have to deal with the fact that the music is originally, inevitably, associated with unpleasant ideologies.

“The genre’s reluctant fans can be divided into a few apologias. There are those who go for the sheepish “but it’s so good I can’t help it” (the artist is creepy, his work divine). And others subscribe to the fantasy that if you don’t cosign the artist’s belief, their platform, their perversion, if you don’t understand what they are singing about, if the song isn’t explicitly promoting an agenda, though the artist may be, that you are less of a participant. Another common excuse is that the lyrics are unintelligible (or not in English, so they don’t “count”), and they are listening to black metal just for the heavy atmospherics.”

As a casual fan of black metal myself, I don’t think I necessarily make any of these apologies. And that’s for the simple reason that there are just tons of black metal acts that aren’t any more ideologically noxious than any other music on my hard drive, and less ideologically noxious than some. Porter Wagoner singing murder ballad after murder ballad about how cool he is for shooting his cheating woman or Janis Joplin signing off on blackface iconography for her album cover seem significantly more dicey to me than listening to Katharsis theatrically shrieking about witches and satan.

It’s true that black metal is focused on evil and death and genocide. But being interested in those things doesn’t have to mean you’re a Nazi. It could mean that you’re Gorecki — whose droning ambience isn’t all that far removed from black metal’s aesthetics, as it happens. And if it sounds crazy to think that Gorecki’s explicitly anti-Holocaust message could find purchase in black metal, I would direct your attention to Pyha, an explicitly pacifist artist whose music sounds like tortured metal emitting a long, sustained groan of lament.

Pyha, a Korean who made his sole album when he was 14 years old, is obviously an oddball. But there are lots of oddballs in black metal. Another of my favorite performers, Botanist, plays hammered dulcimer and preaches plant supremacy and fealty to the forest. The band Frost Like Ashes is part of a small but non-negligible group of Christian unblack metal artists, who tend to sound exactly like black metal except that instead of talking about blood and the pit, they talk about blood and the cross, or about blood and the evils of abortion. And then there are folks like Enslaved who just like to pretend they’re Vikings. Or performers like the black/doom outfit Gallhammer who are dedicated to the proposition that Japanese women can make a noise as terrifying and evil as any Scandinavian dude.

There are also bands like Drudkh who (as the album title Blood in Our Wells indicates) are in fact anti-Semitic assholes. But the reason black metal is defined by anti-Semitic assholery isn’t because all black metal musicians are anti-Semitic, or even that there’s a preponderance of anti-Semitic facists in black metal. It’s because black metal isn’t all that popular, but anti-Semitic assholery makes a good story. Hopper argues that black metal fans have to face especially difficult questions about their music and aesthetic preferences. But it’s not black metal that’s obsessed with fascism; it’s Hopper and buzzfeed and mainstream venues in general. I tried to pitch a piece about how black metal isn’t fascist to a number of largish mainstream outlets. One editor said what I presume the rest of the editors were thinking: this is too niche. Or, translated, an article about how black metal isn’t fascist isn’t something anybody cares about. It’s the fascism our readers want to hear about; without that, you’ve got nothing.

Which isn’t to say that Hopper’s article is terrible, or that the issues she raises are completely irrelevant. How do listeners’ ethics interact with their aesthetics? Why do people like to pretend to be evil? Why are they fascinated by genocide? Those are all interesting questions. But they aren’t all the same question. Using black metal to treat them as such is more about demographics and hit counts than it is about looking for answers.