Folks may have noticed we only had three posts this week. In general, I’ve been distracted with other work and haven’t been pursuing contributors as regularly…or writing as often here as I once did. I’m not sure exactly what that means for the future. Chris Gavaler and Robert Stanley Martin still are committed to posting here weekly, and I still do want to write on occasion. If you want to write here, please contact me (myname at gmail); we’re still running guest posts.
I guess what I’m saying is, we’ve been quieter than usual, and it seems likely that that will continue to be the case unless something changes. Anyway, as always, thanks for reading.
Me on the New Black, a documentary about the marriage equality campaign in Maryland.
Shreya Durvasula on Walter White as superhero.
Robert Stanley Martin with on sale dates for comics September and October 1952.
Utilitarians Everywhere
At the Guardian I wrote about Deadpool R-ratings, and how superheroes are about wanting/not wanting to grow up.
I took part in the Public Books roundtable on women directors, writing about the Descent and rape revenge for women.
At Quartz I wrote about
—what African-Americans should get a biopic after Jesse Owens.
—how we need to reduce Supreme Court tenures to politicize the court.
At the Establishment I wrote about
—Taylor Swift and how we don’t expect men to step up for Kesha.
—the Mad Max series and how women equal civilization and men gotta ramble.
At Splice Today I wrote about
—Bowie, Lori Maddox, and listening to victims even when they say they’re not.
—Huffpo and the authenticity of hackwork.
At the Chicago Reader
—I previewed Typeforce, a typeface art show.
—I did a little review of indie band Sunflower Bean.
Other Links
Greg Howard on how SB Nation published a disastrous piece on Daniel Holzclaw.
David Perry on disability inspiration porn.
Yasmin Nair/a> argues that freelancers shouldn’t write for free.